The Art of Dark
Eldar: The first Attempt
So it’s time I better put an army up! The below list is my
first attempt at an army list. It is the army I will possibly use for the
upcoming Aldershot tournament. This first attempt is a pure dark Eldar army.
The reason for this being that I wanna be trying out new Dark Eldar units and
abilities. I’ve had a few games against Luke the Liabilities Necrons and I’ll
tell you guys how it went below.
What allies will I use I hear you cry? Well for Brighton I was
thinking Imperial guard but I’ll get to that at the next blog. For Mayhem I was
going to go Eldar but again I’ll get to that on a later blog.
So without further ado I give to you my first attempt!
First Attempt
Baron Sathonyx
Haemonculus – Shatter Shard
3 Wracks – Venom
3 Wracks - Venom
3 Wracks - Venom
5 Wych’s – Hekatrix with PW, Haywire Grenades – Venom
5 Wych’s – Hekatrix with PW, Haywire Grenades - Venom
5 Wych’s – Hekatrix with PW, Haywire Grenades - Venom
Beast Master Unit – 5 Beastmasters – 10 Kymera – 5 Razorwing
8 Reavers – Arena Champion with PW, 2 Heat Lances
Ravager – Night Shields
Ravager – Night Shields
This army list is based on the same principles as my 5th
ed army. 6 Venoms, one big hard combat unit.
The savings from the Hellions allow me to get my greedy mits
upon a unit of reavers.
I’m relatively happy with how the list is looking and I’ll
go through it all.
Baron Sathonyx and
Still a star and stealth gives that beast unit some survivability
and his +1 to go first is still cheeky. The beast unit is a like for like
replacement for the baron unit. Because they don’t need cover it gives the unit
a greater freedom. I’m still looking at the unit make up but we shall see.
Haemonculus and
Wracks and Venoms
As good as before, a shoe in for me really
Wych’s and Venoms
A tough choice for make-up. I didn’t want to go overboard
really. I dropped the shardnets and agonisers as when a venom blows up its
likely to take the unit with it and so I wanted a cheap unit in the tanks. I might
rue the day I dropped the agonisers. However I have 30 points to play around
with so as I play I may develop this further.
I thought long and hard at how I wanted to run these and
came up with the run above. I may drop the power weapon on the leader, but the
extra leadership seemed pretty important and challenges could turn a loss into
a draw in combat. The Heat lances were a no brainer I think. We’ll see how they
The Heavy Support
2 Ravagers and a Void Raven is the way I’ll go. I didn’t wanna
overburden myself with flyers as it would leave me no anti-tank turn 1 or 2. I
wanted a flyer tho to A) try it out) and b) give me some anti-flyer. Ravagers
are still essential as there cheap anti-tank (as rubbish as they are!) Voidraven
over Razorwing for me, simply because I run mine not as anti-infantry but as anti-armour.
Game 1 and 2
Ill meld both games into 1 both were against Luke both games
I lost. Luke was using Necrons with 18 wraiths a doom scythe and 2 lords on
barges and a spatter of 5 man Necron units with destruction crypteks. In both
games I lost the roll to go first and in both games the baron failed his first
2+ invulnerable save. Luke is a lucky gamer against me in anything other than tourney
play where his dice seem to give up. The Wych’s have been very good in all the
games I’ve played and here there was no exception blowing up Luke’s barges. The
unit of the game were my beasts who Luke didn’t take seriously enough and as a
result they chewed through 2 ½ wraith units before Luke breathed a sigh of
relief with 3 wraiths and a wounded lord left. In the second game Luke
exploited a mistake of mine jumping over the beast unit and charging the
razorwing flocks with his command barge killing 4 bases (subsequently mashing
the combat).
The reaver unit is one I’ve never used and as such I messed up
with them instead of using the blade vanes to assault a unit of necrons I charged
into a unit of wraiths and died like a fool I am. I’m looking forward to using
them again to put that wrong right!
So what am I going to change? Nothing at the moment. I’ll go
to Aldershot with this make up and see how it goes. I’m looking at trueborn to
boost my anti-tank. Next time I’ll be looking at my GT Event list (which
includes imperial guard and some cheeky imperial armour units) until then I bid
you adieu!
Looking at that list mate, I'd drop the Heatrix's, the arena champion and take the reavers down to 6.
ReplyDeleteWyches for me have no use other than haywiring armour, a unit of 5 in a venom is all I use now.
The reavers I would run as 6 with 2 HL's, bladevane at every opportunity and then sneak in a couple of deadly HL shots on armour.
Another problem I see is that you only have 24 troop models in the list. Even though wracks are hard by DE standards, a unit of 3 needs to hide to last any time at all, and I think 3 units is too many in the list. I've started going with 10 warriors in a splinter rack raider for troops along with wych units.
Funnily enough Ken i have changed the list a bit since my last game, ill report on that after aldershot on monday!