Monday, 31 December 2012

Dark Eldar: Nemesis part 1 – Imperial Guard

Dark Eldar: Nemesis part 1 – Imperial Guard

So let’s face it Dark Eldar had some of the more extreme match ups in 40k ranging from the slaughter fest that was tyranids and then the white flag waving games against imperial guard. So I thought I’d go into these matchups and see whats changed. Is the same nemesis facing me across the battlefield? Or have new armies come to the fore?

I’m gunna have a look at the ultimate anti dark eldar army, imperial guard….. So what’s changed?

Monday, 24 December 2012

Tournament Gamers Painting Masterclass 5: James Clarke – Plague Marines/Daemons

Tournament Gamers Painting Masterclass 5: James Clarke – Plague Marines/Daemons

Happy Christmas and welcome to a festive Masterclass! In this series so far we’ve already seen Paul Scott’s fantastic Plague Marine army. So after having a look round for armies to focus on I asked on the Warhammer forum who had won the best painted army at the warlords GT. To my surprise the winner was yet another Plague marine army (with some daemon allies ofc!) This time James Clarke put his paintbrush to models and came up with a brilliant army and it is here for you! Enjoy James story and his beautiful models

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Dark Eldar: Forge World

Dark Eldar: Forge World

Forge world. A massive controversy in the game currently. Should tournaments use it? Should they ban it? Should they restrict it? It’s an odd topic and we go into it on one of our next podcasts.
But if it was allowed, what would be an option for me? Are there any hidden gems in the bowls of forge world?

I’ll take a look at the options and decide whether these will enhance my army.

Forge world: the basics

So i'm currently assessing these units based on my current army. I’ll say what I’d be replacing and how it would work in the army. Units normally allowed are those with a forge world approved logo.
I’ll have a look at both Eldar and Dark Eldar as well!

Monday, 10 December 2012

Tournament Gamers Painting Masterclass 4: James Karch – Fire Hawks

Tournament Gamers Painting Masterclass 4: James Karch – Fire Hawks

James has been a tournament player for a while now and if you a warhammer forum or warseer forum goer you will see him by the name Spikeyjames. I came across this current army when we crossed swords at the second GT heat in Brighton. Now even though dice luck totally failed him. (One Ravager destroying 3 land speeders in one shooting phase comes to mind!) Our game was very pleasant and half way through it was announced that he had been voted for best painted army and thus was through to the final! Good Luck to you James in the final and here is James’ story.

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Rupert's Deffwing army.

Hello there ladies and gents, it is perhaps about time I actually wrote an article for the blog rather than just do the podcasty stuff so I thought I would show you my Ork Deffwing army which I used extensively during the last year of 5th edition!

I had mixed success with the army, initially I didn't do particularly well but once I got used to the playstyle I racked up some pretty decent results with a top 10 at Reading Starsmash, top 10 at X-Legion, top 5 at Brighton Warlords and a 3rd place finish at Aldershot 'ardboyz.

This army was made just after the Dark Angel book had been FAQed (sp) so that they got proper storm shields and proper cyclone missile launchers, I figured I'd take a ton of terminators and then add in predators so as to maintain the resilient theme and to deny the enemy any easy kill points.

Monday, 3 December 2012

Dark Eldar: Eldar Allies

Dark Eldar: Eldar Allies

Allies are a huge part of the game and as you can tell I’m fully utilising this part of the game by including Eldrad into the army. It does kinda seem odd however that I only have 4 Eldar models in the army....

So should I use anything else in the Eldar Codex? A good question and a question I shall answer now.

I’m ofc assuming I retain the two units I’m using now. Question is can I add to my army with further Eldar forces?