Dark Eldar: The GT
So as I said last week, I went to Brighton GT this week.
Below I’m going to list out how I did and things I learned. Having only played
10 games previous there were several mistakes I made against everyone so thanks
for everyone’s patience! I also learned more about each army I was facing and
what the Meta was looking like now.
So without further ado here was what happened!
The Revelations
Ok several things I was doing wrong and I will list them out
Firstly the ignore cover save special rule for divination
only effects the psyker and his unit. Great for Tau, rubbish for Dark Eldar!
Secondly I didn’t realise that you could take powers from
several different trees. As such Eldrad can take a wide range of powers than I thought
with access to Telepathy. The powers in Telepathy are also very good. I won’t
go into them as I did divination last time but yes it’s a good tree a bit more aggressive
and as such it could be a useful addition. (Especially if I get the reroll
armour saves spell and prescience already!)
Lastly (and more importantly), when a vehicle is shot you
apply the hull points BEFORE damage rolls. This makes dark eldar tanks much
better for transports…… why? Often a dark eldar vehicle is shot by multiple
shot high strength weapons, think hydras tesla etc etc. When these weapons
shoot and destroy venoms, the venom only needs to take 2 hull points to die…. As
such they won’t blow up so often. This means the troops inside don’t take
damage and say if this was a wych unit that had boosted in your turn and the
was now in assault range there’s little chance now to stop those units. So
happy times!
The Meta
The majority of the armies were guard with space wolf allies
or Necrons with 2/4 flyers. There were several other interesting lists there,
mainly thinking of nid flyer lists (which came second) and ork foot sloggers as
well as the Eldrad with Tau/Dark Eldar Lists. I have mixed feelings about guard
atm. The guard lists rely on the space wolf characters to buff a big blob of
guard and eldrad can stop the casting from the rune priests. However they still
have a scary amount of shooting. I didn’t get to test myself against one of
these lists but I’m sure to play Ru or Steve at some point and so I’ll play
My Performance.
I won 4 games and drew once. Ill briefly mention each game
below but I won’t go into amazing detail.
My loss was my first
game and it was just one of those games for dice rolling. I lost every roll
before deployment and Ashley’s shooting back at me killed what it shot at. Unfortunately
I didn’t really learn much in this game as the dice failed me! Ashley is a
great guy though so anyone down Maelstrom and other tournies in London have a
look around for him and have a chat!
Game two was a win and I played dark eldar. It wasn’t an
overly optimal list to which my opponent mentioned. And as such when I got the
dice to go first and killed all but two venoms from the board, things were only
going to go one way.
Game three was as close a game as any I’ve played. I got
necrons and it was a tight draw that could have easily swung either way. It was
this game that I realised the advantage Dark eldar have over flyers. After their
first round of shooting, the dark eldar army can jump forward avoiding a turn
of fire from the opponent’s flyers. I almost wiped my opponent out before his
second turn before his flyers came on as well anther advantage of dark eldar. A
mention must go out to the single wych who managed to single handedly kill one
unit of warriors, a cryptek (so two scoring units) and, if it wasn’t for a res
orbing lord, would have won me the game.
Game 4 was a win and although James had the worst luck I’ve
seen in his turns, it did prove the power of dark eldar in night fight. All my
dark eldar were in the shrouded range behind a ruin. As such 1 turn of shooting
just did nothing which gave myself the alpha strike. I duly dismantled James’s
army with a mix of luck and pure firepower.
Game 5 I played Rich Fielder. Yes rich and his beautiful
dark mechanicum. I managed to win but only because rich made the fatal error of
boosting his night scythes off the table and the game ended handing me 2 vp’s
(it was KP) which I duly won 15-14… talk about luck! My army always seem to
make the opponents army reel before buckling a bit later in the game. Rich had fewer
flyers so more things to kill and it was this game where I turned the beast
unit too killy in combat and they found themselves isolated and as such shot to
Game 6 was against 4…. Yes 4 stormravens! My aim was to go
first and wipe off lee’s army before he got to roll for the reserves, unfortunatly
I lost the roll going second. As such I barely dented the gunline. Well I say
gunline but I doubt you could call ten scouts and a henchman unit with
mephiston a gunline. However when the stormravens did arrive they killed 4
tanks but I managed to down a raven and wipe out the majority of lees gunline. As
the game went on lee was forced to hover with his ravens to be able to shoot,
this left him horribly vulnerable to being charged and the blaster born duly
delivered. One incredibly lucky bit in this game was when one unit of scouts
(in a storm raven) decided to get out and charge two trueborn. Unfortunately
the blast from a nearby ravager killed 5 of them and made them run away. After
getting back in the fight they then charge the trueborn with a techmarine. The
trueborn managed to shoot down 1 as it came in then killed 2 scouts leaving one
scout remaining. The techmarine and scout only managed to kill 1 trueborn and both
the scouts and the techmarine fled him! Luck goes around and comes around every
so often I guess!
So what did I learn? That dark eldar are back! They are
still a very hard army to use though and positioning is critical. But I found
going second wasn’t the end of the earth. I’m happy with the list the only
thing it misses is maybe a unit for Eldrad to sit in such as dark eldar
warriors so he doesn’t slow down the beast unit.
It’s Mayhem next weekend and that’s it for tournaments this
year! Next week I’ll tell you about this tournament and tell you how I got on.
Until then….. BYE!!!
hello mike
ReplyDeleteLooking through the dark eldar codex and I thinking about your baron and his hit ad run skill so i could hit and run with warlocks on bike. dose he only give it to helions??? PS was a great game but 4 raven are to many !!!
Lee Brown ( game 6)
haha he used to only give it to hellions, however now only 1 model in the unit has to have it for them to use is (aka himself) so the baron does give hit and run to a seer council yes
ReplyDeleteMichael Marlow (game 6)
lol m8 i may have to try that but the baron would not gain fortune as he is a dark eldar model shame .
i think youll need to double check that because he becomes part of the unit which is a eldar unit so i dont see why it wouldnt work.
DeleteHello mate, Paulie here, well done on your results, I learned a lot by playing you, you've really made me consider that Beast and Baron unit, especially with Eldrad or a vanilla Farseer.
ReplyDeleteHope we meet up again when my army is actually painted and a bit more optimised. ;)
haha yeah. One thing id say if your going to go with siliscus maybe sitting in a big unit of warriors on foot would suit him? something about 40 splinter rifle shots at 12' wounding on 3+ seems to appeal to me! now if eldrad gets the power that allows them to overwatch at full bs?
ReplyDeleteHey Mike, well done on the results there. 4 stormravens huh.
ReplyDeleteMight want to take a look at page 74 of the BRB regarding hull points and damage rolls. You need to roll for damage even if the vehicle is stripped of hull points, it can still blow up.
Going to a 1750 tournament this weekend. No allies and no fortifications allowed so running with this
1 Baron Sathonyx @ 105 Pts
4 Kabalite Trueborn @ 191 Pts
4 Blasters (60), Haywire Grenades (8)
1 Venom @ [75] Pts: 2 Splinter Cannon (10); Night Shields (10)
5 Wyches @ 135 Pts
Haywire Grenades (10)
1 Venom @ [75] Pts: 2 Splinter Cannon (10); Night Shields (10)
5 Wyches @ 135 Pts
Haywire Grenades (10)
1 Venom @ [75] Pts: 2 Splinter Cannon (10); Night Shields (10)
5 Wyches @ 135 Pts
Haywire Grenades (10)
1 Venom @ [75] Pts: 2 Splinter Cannon (10); Night Shields (10)
5 Wyches @ 135 Pts
Haywire Grenades (10)
1 Venom @ [75] Pts: 2 Splinter Cannon (10); Night Shields (10)
10 Kabalite Warriors @ 170 Pts
1 Raider @ [80] Pts: Dark Lance (x1); Splinter Racks (10); Night Shields (10)
10 Kabalite Warriors @ 170 Pts
1 Raider @ [80] Pts: Dark Lance (x1); Splinter Racks (10); Night Shields (10)
Fast Attack
Beast Pack @ 228 Pts
4 Beastmasters @ 48 Pts: 10 Khymerae @ [120] Pts: 4 Razorwing Flocks @ [60] Pts
Heavy Support
1 Ravager @ 115 Pts: Dark Lance (x3); Night Shields (10)
1 Ravager @ 115 Pts: Dark Lance (x3); Night Shields (10)
1 Ravager @ 115 Pts: Dark Lance (x3); Night Shields (10)
Any thoughts on it, I've still got time to change things
Well first things first, all your night shields are costing you a whopping 100 points and tbh there not that useful.
ReplyDeleteId also cut that trueborn unit down to three, mainly so that when the tank does die your not loosing a massive chunk of points to it.
This leaves you with 138 points spare in which you can get another venom with 3 trueborn, 2 blasters and haywire grenades. This gives you 6 Venoms, 2 raiders 3 ravagers
Also yes im now aware that you can blow up tanks once hull points are gone lol that came up during Mayhem at the weekend