Tournament Gamers
Painting Masterclass 3: Paul Scott – Plague Marines
I’m not going to sit here and tell you how well I know Paul.
Fact is we never crossed paths before him living in the north and myself living
in the south. However when I was looking at the Heat 1 results from the GT I saw
this huge Plague Marine Staring at me! Wondering what it was I came across Paul’s
army and much to my own delight saw he was a tournament gamer and took the top
spot for painting at Heat 1! So i contacted him and asked him about his army and to write about himself. Without further ado this is his story!
1. Tell me about
yourself and how you got into Warhammer
I’m a 33yr old toy soldier sci-fi loving geek. I worked for
Games Workshop for nearly 12yrs doing a mix of jobs from retail to customer
service to writing Battle Games in Middle Earth articles and the odd thing for
white dwarf amongst play testing and such.
I now commission paint from home for anyone who wants me to
from your everyday gamer to Mantic Games. That is in between watching the
Hitler channels on Sky TV, reading every pulp military sci-fi novel I can grab
and answering to every whim of 3 demanding house cats; Magnus, Jessica and
I got into Warhammer/gaming when I was 10yrs old back t’up
north. I used to love comics, Victor for boys, Victory, Battle and commando
etc. One day I was allowed to go to the shop on my own to pick them up as my
grandfather was busy. I had a £5 note in my hand and walked in the shop to get
the latest instalment of Jonny Red and looked at the top shelf! Bad lad. On it
I saw a strange but mesmerising magazine-WHITE DWARF 122. £1.25p later I was
the excited owner of pages of pure awesome and wonderment. When I got back to
my Grandparents though, I was taught the virtues of not spending more money
that wasn’t yours then you were meant to…
Well after reading it and feeling decidedly lost, amazed and
stunned I convinced my Grandparents to get me a subscription and that was it, I
was hooked.
The very first few issues I was subscribed to were the ones
fleshing out the Eldar and their craft world culture. They ruled my gaming love
for about 10-12yrs then the Tau arrived and I was carried away with my love for
mecha. After a long period of becoming very lucky with my Eldar and Tau and
having built four Tau armies including ones for 40k rule book and white dwarf,
my colleagues in Games Workshop challenged my gaming sensibilities into doing
something different and out of my comfort zone. They picked Chaos marines.
Little did they know that one of the very first books I got
besides WD was the now very hard to come by “The lost and the Damned” book of
Nurgle and Tzeench. Well I already had the seeds of corruption and festering
awesomeness growing in me from that moment. So a Chaos Marine Nurgle army was
well just perfect. It was also a way to challenge myself, I had never converted
or green stuffed anything before, well that’s pretty much what a Nurgle army
is! That was 7 years ago! (I know 7, the sacred number, mmm)
I think of all the armies available to 40k gamers the
imagery and background of Chaos Marines allow the most variation. Almost
everything you can think of fits into it. Any conversion, kit bash and sculpts
can easily sit comfortably in a chaos army and not look out of place. This
allows utter customisation. What more would you want than your army to be yours
and different from all the others.
Oh and converting and green-stuffing Nurgle themed
minis…easy, so forgiving…I mean how does anyone know if you have done anything
wrong? =)
3. What drives you
to continue painting?
The itch in the back of my head. On any given day I will
have ideas and images flying round my head. It’s obsessive. My wife loves going
to see a sci-fi film and when aliens, machines or some such walk on the screen
watching my face light up with childish glee. She is never under any illusion that it was
about the film, rather how I can convert something like what I’ve seen and fit
it in to my army.
I just always want to improve or do something new. I think
it comes from my time at college and uni doing art. You would always see your
work improving, that’s means what you’re doing there and then isn’t your best.
By the time I finish something I generally don’t like it much…I know, it’s
stupid. It’s a pain in the butt.
Not only that that though, putting your little piece of the
background and imagery into the game gives me a buzz, shows others what I like
and how I see things and lets them enjoy it to.
Oh and the growing number of cool little companies out there
creating and selling awesome sculpts and conversion kits.
4. Do you find
taking armies to tournaments restricts what you can do with you army painting
Erm…Not at all I would say! Infact I think being primarily a
tourney player has improved my painting and given me far more things to paint.
Back in the day every tourney had some pretty tough painting scores, so
enjoyable or not you wanted a solid painted army. Combined with my niggle at
always having to do better, I started to focus more and more on the painting
theme and look of a force.
Besides that, having a themed army always looks nice and is
a great way to distract from whatever jury rigged filth death star list you
might have…well for a short while anyway ;)
As time went on and painting scores became softer I had
already got the itch. I became averse to taking net list or obvious killy
things. Just like the look of your army is nice to be personal so is the
selections you take in it. It’s very boring otherwise. As such I started to
take less obvious or used units in my army. This gives me more things to paint
ad fit in with my army.
So the simple addition of a none life essential paint score
attached to my toys….made me paint better…. Yup I’m that easily manipulated! It
even lessened my competitive streak to a manageable level and strengthened my
love of just making stuff.
5. What was your
toughest challenge in this army?
I don’t think it would be any one model/ unit but the army it’s
self. When I started this I had never done a chaos army, never painted flesh,
never painted marines. And most importantly had never used green stuff. So the
whole thing was a bit of a challenge from the start.
But if you stick to stuff your familiar and easy with, well
you never learn or get better or find an appreciation for yours or other people’s
That’s a tough one. Hmm. I love everything I’ve done. Not in
an “I rock check it out way” but in a sentimental way. Every unit I have has
sat in my head for a while urging to get out and be painted so I am familiar
and fond of them all. But if I had to pick it would be my Nurgle Plague Bearer
Giant, with my Ogryn daemon princes and Oblits coming a close second and third.
The first mini I really went to town on was my beloved
Nurgle Plague Bearer Giant. I had had the idea of a model based using the newly
released Warhammer Giant. I didn’t like it as a kit but loved the potential for
kit bashing that it presented.

Now and with hind sight I would have researched other games
blogs, you tube vids etc. to get tip and such. Or asked my friends in the Forge
World studio who do this sort of thing for a living… Even so it was really
enjoyable and all seemed to go well. That is until I finished making it…

Well wife to the rescue again and not for the last time lol.
One night we were in Bugman’s after I had had a game. She was GW’s receptionist
at the time and new everyone. Whilst rubbing in my spawny dice manipulating win
against my mate over a pint of Bugman’s (peculiar taste) she grabbed my giant
and literally skipped across Bugman's pig tails bouncing with a big smile on
her face over to a table where a solitary figure sat scribbling in a small
parchment note book.
To my dismay it was John Blanche. She had threatened to show
him my stuff for weeks. I had not really believed she would, not realising
they’d known each other for years in GW. I was mortified; I hate fan boy type
behaviour etc. And there was eye looking abashed whilst my wife showed an icon
of the hobby my mini like I was a teeny-boppa hobbyist gushing over a celeb.

I went over to tell her to behave. John had a hold of the
big boy looked at me and went “nice, really gritty and grimy, but in my opinion
Paul what you need to do is put some massive pussy bulbous nackers on it…”
Well what could I say to that…?
He then berated me for not painting it and to do it sharpish
otherwise he would take it of me as he wanted to paint it himself. I painted it
over the next two nights!
So whilst maybe the most interesting challenge in the army,
I am not sure I can say it’s the biggest challenge as I haven’t finished the
army and don’t think I ever will. I always just keep having to add new stuff.
7. What painting
project is next for you?
Personal project? Well I am planning and collecting bits for
a new chaos…Nurgle… army. Yeah original and fresh eh? I want to do a renegade
army that is more grimy and clunky rather than mutated and chaosy as such. This
way I can use it as a very, very dubious loyal marine army or a renegade army.
It will probably be based around the old Blood angel successor chapter you
rarely hear from any more; The Flesh Eaters. Barbaric blood thirsty fighters.
Planning on them being a post-apocalyptic/gladiatorial industrial looking force…if
you can imagine that. Got some awesome bits from Maxmini and Puppet wars
websites. Very excited about it.
However as I am full time painting on commissions now it
looks like I will not get down to this anytime soon. I have currently, a squad
of Dire Avengers, 60 dungeon crawl Orc minis, and a 3000pts Empire army amongst
other little things to paint! And a fortress of redemption in the post to me
for a nice chap.
I know, it’s a hard life!
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