Tournament Gamers
Painting Masterclass 1: Matt Cook – Dark Eldar
This blog will be the first in a series of blogs dedicated
to that rare thing. A tournament gamer with a fantastically painted army. It’s
not rare to see a painter who casually games or a gamer that is great at
painting but focuses on getting an army done. It is however extremely rare to
see an army painted with such skill you’re guilty that they have to face your
own dreary army across the battlefield and for this army to be used at several tournaments
and survive the wear and tear that comes with it.
My first subject is Matt Cook. I first met Matt vaguely when
I first started going to tournaments regularly. Since then I’m sad whenever I’m
at a tournament and he’s not there. An amazing guy and if you play him you’ll definatly
enjoy it. A silent member of team Death or Glory now, he produced this
fantastic Dark Eldar army and I have invited him to tell us about it below. So
without Further ado here is Mr Matt Cook.