Dark Eldar: The Next Step
So after a relatively mixed tourney 2 weekends ago and having just watched my favourite grand prix driver get his first ever podium (GO KOBYASHI!!!) I’ll move onto talking about the changes to my list
for Brighton GT.
A little background to the tourney is that the Brighton warlords normally hold 3 tournaments a year
and, as its no restrictions, was a logical step to hold the 2nd of the 3 GT heats here. It’s held above a
pub which is great however irritatingly Brighton is pretty pricey for accommodation so no nights out!
There’s a car park opposite and it is very easily accessible. This is the first Major tournament of 6 th
for us and so with a little bit of trepidation it’s time we present my army list!
It’s important to note by the way that the meta up north seems to represent a major shift towards
infantry with guard allying with a battle brother. I have mixed feelings about this but I’ll get into that
later. But now…. Onto the show!